International Conference and Expo on Medical Sonography
Toronto, Canada

Musarrat Hasan
Institute of Ultrasound Imaging Karachi -Pakisatn
Title: Experience with Gaseous Spring Water as Contrast Agent in Tubal Patency Assessment
Biography: Musarrat Hasan
The purpose of the study was to introduce new contrast agent ie gaseous spring water for the evaluation of Tubal Patency as an alternate to existing available contrast agents based on galactose matrix air bubbles, which are expensive and not easily available in third world countries. The technique used is same as used in other methods ie insertion of HSS catheter in the uterine cavity, instilling fluid/contrast agent and with the help of endovaginal probe visualizing the movement of echoes into the tubes and observation of fluid in the pouch of douglas . 4600 patients were examined from Jan 2006 to March 2016. Average of 7cc of gaseous spring water per patient was used. 80% were found to have patent tubes. 12% had unilateral blocked tubes and 8% had bilateral blocked tubes. Mean time spent on the procedure was 7 minutes. It is recommended that gaseous spring water be used as a first line of choice for assessing Tubal Patency as it is cost effective, safe easily available and does not require radiology suite. Paper will highlight the procedure and spill will be shown in video recording. Use of B-flow to minimize the procedure time will also be shown.